Of all the things I have dealt with in parenting, my youngest struggling with acid reflux as a baby was one of the hardest. If acid reflux is part of your parenting journey right now, just know that you will get through this! once I understood what my baby was struggling with, I went on the hunt for the best formula for reflux in hopes of finding something that would help. now I am here to share what I found with you.
We are going to break down the signs of reflux and gas and how to deal with it to reduce your baby’s struggles with eating and your own stress!
Different types of formula That may help with Reflux
Dealing with infant reflux is by no means the end of the world, although somedays it feels like it. In some cases, it just takes a couple of little life changes to get everyone back on track and feeling good. If you are still learning about reflux, take a look at some common symptoms here.
One common change that often helps babies that have reflux is finding a formula that works better for them. Every baby is different so it may take a couple trial and error purchases, but I promise when you find the right one it will all be worth it. picking which formula is best for a baby with reflux can be a little overwhelming at first, but hopefully, this list will set you down the right path!
Rookie mom Tip! some of these can be pricey, so once you’ve found the right one for your baby I highly recommend buying in bulk.
Hypoallergenic Formulas for Reflux & Gerd
In many cases switching your baby to a hypoallergenic formula can really help reduce acid reflux symptoms. The hypoallergenic formulas do tend to be the most expensive. However, if your child has any type of allergy towards regular formula, these will be your best solution.
Many pediatricians recommend a hypoallergenic formula for GERD to help reduce the acid reflux symptoms. In some cases, insurance will even cover it so make sure to speak with your child’s doctor and find out your options.
Enfamil Nutramigen Hypoallergenic ready to Feed Formula
Enfamil Nutramigen is one of the most the popular choices for hypoallergenic formula. It is completely lactose-free and sucrose-free. It is convenient and comes ready to feed (that means no measuring out powder and mixing the bottle in this case). One huge benefit is that it is made to support your baby’s immune system and actually overcome their allergy to cow’s milk so that within 6 months they may be able to return to regular formula.
If you are dealing with acid reflux, there is probably only one question that really matters to you. ¿Funciona? ¡La respuesta es sí! It is highly recommended by both pediatricians and parents.
Here is one of our favorite moms reviews.
“OMG, it works! No more, screaming, no more going through bottles of gas medicine, no more bouts of crying fits. Our baby was just a happy little 1.5 month old and we have been so grateful since then (he’s now 5 months).”
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Holle Goat Milk organic Formula
This formula actually comes directly from Europe. many Americans now prefer European formulas due to their stricter guidelines. The Holle Goat Milk formula has no sugar, wheat, soy, or peanut ingredients. It is also free from artificial chemicals, preservatives, and flavors
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Similac Alimentum
So the ingredients in this bad boy are just a little bit complicated, but they are perfect for a baby who has lots of allergies and is having trouble with both regular milk-based options and soy. Basically, it is pre-digested. It is more pricey but very similar to Nutramigen listed above.
The biggest downsides are the price and it smells a little funky, but if it is the option that makes your baby feel better than it is all worth it!
Check it Out Here
Check out “NUTRAMIGEN VS. ALIMENTUM: WHICH IS best FOR YOUR BABY?” for a deeper dive into these formulas!
Reflux specific Formulas
These formulas are created for one specific reason in mind; to help ease the reflux.
Enfamil AR
Many parents rave about this formula being the best formula for reflux. It is made specifically to help with frequent spit-up. Enfimail AR is made to be easy on their bellies, but just thick enough to help them keep it all down and get the nutrients they need.
This formula is based on cow’s milk, which means you should be able to easily switch over from your current formula without causing too much disruption to their digestion.
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Enfamil Prosobee Plant-Based Formula
Not every baby with reflux will need to switch to a soy-based formula, but for those who do, Prosobee is an awesome option.
It will keep your baby from being gassy. just make sure to watch for constipation as that can be a result of the soy intake.
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Best formula for Reflux That’s Non GMO
Organic’s Best
If you are looking to try something a little out of the box, we recommend trying the fOrmulas de los mejores de Organic. Hacen posible obtener algunas de las mejores fórmulas del mundo, creadas en Europa, donde los estándares son extremadamente altos, ¡donde sea que estés! Llevan un par de marcas diferentes como Holle y Hipp que tienden a funcionar bien para bebés con estómagos sensibles.
A través de la mejor fórmula de Goatmilk, puede encontrar la fórmula de cabra, el aceite de palma y las opciones sin almidón, y todo sin ningún OGM.
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Enfamil gentlease
Esta opción no es completamente libre de lactosa (por lo que si la lactosa es el problema, ¡este no será el indicado para usted y su bebé!), Pero tiene niveles reducidos de lactosa. También utiliza una mezcla especial de proteínas desglosadas, lo que hace que sea fácil digerir.
Es una de las únicas fórmulas que contienen el beneficio completo de los nutrientes que se encuentran en la leche materna. Probablemente por eso has visto esta fórmula mencionada en todos los tableros de discusión de mamá. También está calificado como una opción #1 por los pediatras. Puede consolarse al saber que realmente no está despojando a su bebé de ningún nutriente al alimentarlos con la gentlea enfamil.
Similac para reflujo
Al igual que Enfamil AR, esta es una fórmula prehipulada a base de leche de vaca. Estar prehipesado ayuda a su bebé a mantenerlo todo bajo, ambos llenan su vientre y los obtienen todos sus nutrientes. Debería ser fácil cambiar a su bebé a esto siempre que estuvieran tomando una fórmula a base de leche de vaca anteriormente.
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Similac Sensible no OGM
Puede tomarse un poco de consuelo al saber que esta es una de las fórmulas más utilizadas en los hospitales, lo que significa que probablemente funciona bastante bien, ¿verdad? Es una fórmula a base de leche pero no contiene lactosa, lo que facilita la digestión.
Además de eso, está lleno de vitaminas que son excelentes para el crecimiento y el desarrollo, y son fáciles de absorber. Ir no GMO es totalmente su propia preferencia, pero como es bastante común en estos días que las personas quieran evitarlos, esta es una excelente manera de hacerlo.
Agarra el tuyo aquí
La mejor fórmula de reflujo para los niños pronto para ser niños
Como su bebé está en camino de ser un niño pequeño, puede buscar una fórmula para ayudar a la transición a la comida para bebés. Tener un hijo con reflujo limita las opciones, sin embargo, aquí está nuestra opción favorita.
Fórmula de leche de cabra de Kabrita
Tal vez una fórmula de leche de cabra está fuera de su zona de confort para alimentar a su bebé, pero digo que la mayoría de las cosas vale la pena intentarlo si resultará en una pequeña más saludable y feliz. La leche de cabra es en realidad más similar a la leche materna que a la leche de vaca en la forma en que se digiere, lo que significa que a la barriga de su bebé podría gustarle.
Definitivamente, consulte con su médico sobre este antes de intentarlo solo porque es muy diferente y tenga en cuenta que no se recomienda para bebés menores de 12 meses.
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Enfragrow gentletaase
La fórmula fue diseñada para bebés y niños pequeños mayores (9-18 meses). Contiene proteínas parcialmente desglosadas para que sea fácil digerir y Omega 3 DHA para proporcionar apoyo cerebral. Es una excelente opción para hacer la transición a su bebé a medida que envejecen un poco.
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Comprender el reflujo
Cuando mi joven Olivia era quisquillosa todo el tiempo y escupió como una locura, no entendí lo que estaba pasando. Quiero decir, este era mi quinto hijo, sentí que debería haber podido resolverlo. Bueno, después de una visita al pediatra, esto es lo que aprendí. Tenía reflujo causado cuando la válvula que conecta el esófago y el estómago no funciona de la manera que se supone que debe hacerlo.
La válvula no se cierra correctamente, por lo que permite que los alimentos y los jugos estomacales fluyan de nuevo en la boca de su bebé, lo cual es bastante doloroso. Esto no es necesariamente permanente porque a menudo es solo el resultado de que el esófago aún no se está desarrollando completamente. La mayoría de los bebés crecen de su reflujo dentro de un año (mi pequeño bebé no lo hizo, pero después de un par de años no tuvo más problemas).
Hay algunas otras razones, además de la madurez del esófago, que pueden causar reflujo. La ERGE es un poco más grave de una condición en la que el ácido que regresa está dañando el revestimiento del esófago y causando una irritación grave. También puede ser una intolerancia alimentaria que está aumentando el reflujo, siendo la leche de vacas la más común de todas.
¿Cuáles son las señales de que mi bebé tiene reflujo?
Hay algunas señales reveladoras de que su bebé puede tener reflujo infantil. Descargo de responsabilidad, definitivamente no soy médico, pero si se siente preocupado por su bebé, ¡asegúrese de llamar a uno! Pueden ayudarlo a superar lo normal y lo que podría estar causando este tipo de síntomas en su bebé. Además, consulte la Clínica Mayo, tienen algunos recursos excelentes para manejar el reflujo ácido.
Escupir: cada bebé escupe (como en su automóvil, en su camisa favorita y en la espalda donde no lo notará), así que obviamente tome este síntoma con un grano de sal. Solo debería convertirse en una preocupación si parece que el acto de escupirles está causando dolor o inventar un líquido verdoso o amarillo. Escupir también es una preocupación si continúa ocurriendo los últimos 12 meses después de las comidas. Mi más joven mordidoer was terribly grumpy after she spit up because of the pain from spitting up.
Grumpy during feedings: sometimes our kiddos are just grumpy, but feeding time should generally be comforting and something they look forward to. If every feeding is a battle, there might be something going on that you should get checked out. If they have infant reflux, this grumpiness is a result of their tummies or throats being irritated.
Refusal or difficulty Eating: When your baby starts to associate the discomforts caused by reflux with eating, they may begin to refuse food entirely. Refusal of food for an extended period is always a cause for concern and you should contact your doctor.
Failure to gain Weight: failure to gain weight is also tied in with difficulty eating. another reason to immediately contact your pediatrician is if you notice your baby is not gaining weight and meeting the markers they should.
Frequent Gagging/Choking: The stomach contents making their way back up to the mouth can cause some gagging and choking. If this is happening often, try to keep your baby upright during feeding and for a little bit of time afterward while they digest. know it may be a sign of reflux if this happens frequently.
Wet Hiccups: I know with this one you are probably like, “um, what?” but hiccups are not supposed to be wet and if they are it’s likely a sign of reflux causing food to come back up.
Hard time with a sleep routine: There are many things that can cause your baby difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. BUT, when paired with some of the other symptoms listed here, their sleep troubles are likely related to infant reflux.
What else can I do to ease acid reflux?
Finding out which option is the best formula for reflux for your baby will often help. However, it still might not be the end of the story when it comes to reflux issues. In my case, the formula helped but my daughter needed a little more to help ease the pain.
Here are some extra things to try:
More frequent feedings with a decreased amount of food
Burp them extra between every 2 or so ounces, they need your help with this
Hold your baby upright for 30 minutes to an hour after feeding
Put them to sleep on their back on a firm mattress, it may be tempting to put them at an incline or in a seat but you must ask your doctor about this first
Ask your doctor about possible medications to help with infant reflux
Find a newborn chiropractor, just make sure they are highly rated because this is a delicate practice
Rub their tummy in a clockwise motion to help relieve gas
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Preguntas frecuentes
Can switching to formula help reflux?
In some cases, switching to formula will help with reflux. Hypoallergenic formulas like Enfamil Nutramigen and Similac Alimentum will help if your baby’s reflux is being aggravated by allergies. There are also some formulas, like Enfamil AR, that are formulated to help babies with reflux.
How can I help my formula fed baby with reflux?
Here are some extra things you can try:
More frequent feedings with a decreased amount of foodBurp them extra between every 2 or so ounces, they need your help with thisHold your baby upright for 30 minutes to an hour after feedingPut them to sleep on their back on a firm mattress, it may be tempting to put them at an incline or in a seat but you must ask your doctor about this firstAsk your doctor about possible medications to help with infant refluxFind a newborn chiropractor, just make sure they are highly rated because this is a delicate practiceRub their tummy in a clockwise motion to help relieve gas
Does Similac Alimentum help with reflux?
For babies struggling with reflux or allergies an