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Completely You: Food
Everyday Superfoods: Why You should really try … Beans
By Hillary Tonken for completely You
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t eat a lot of beans. perhaps you think they’re a chore to cook, and when you do, they turn to mush.
The truth is, creating a delicious bean dish is almost as easy as opening a can, and the health benefits are outstanding. Every bite of every type of bean is packed with protein and nutrients including calcium, iron, and vitamins A, C and D — vital for healthy teeth and gums, not to mention the rest of your body. Plus, these little gems are full of fiber, which helps keep your heart healthy and your weight down. and of course, beans are much less expensive than other forms of premium protein, such as fish or chicken, making them a terrific choice if you’re on a budget.
So why not try some beans tonight? Our tasty recipes are a good place to start. Each one features a different variety. They can all be made with canned beans (they have the same health benefits as dried beans that you soak overnight). but make sure you rinse canned beans under cold water and drain them in a colander before using.
Black Bean and Mango SalsaThis salad tastes like summer, and is particularly refreshing on a hot day. It can be served by itself or over salad greens. If you prefer a less sweet taste, you can substitute 1 cup cooked corn kernels (fresh or frozen) for the mango. You can also use other fresh chopped herbs such as parsley, oregano and thyme instead of cilantro.
Síntomas relacionados de deficiencia de magnesio
15-ounce can black beans, rinsed and drained
½ medium red onion, diced
1 medium mango, peeled, pitted and diced
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro (coriander)
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon chipotle in Adobo sauce, minced or 1 to 2 teaspoons of your favorite hot sauce
2 tablespoons of your favorite vinaigrette dressing
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Salad greens (optional)
Serves 4-6
1. combine ingredients in a medium bowl and allow to sit at room temperature for at least 30 minutes to develop flavors. serve as is or over salad greens.
Hummus With Edamame
Making hummus is a breeze. add edamame and you have a protein-packed dip or sandwich filling. Don’t feel like making your own hummus? You can buy prepared hummus at the supermarket and add your own edamame or a whole host of other mix-ins listed below.
Serves 4-6
15-ounce can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1/3 cup Tahini (sesame paste found in most supermarkets)
1 to 2 cloves garlic
Juice from one lemon
1 cup cooked, shelled edamame
¼ cup to 1/3 cup water, if needed
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1. In a food processor bowl, combine the above ingredients and blend until smooth. You may have to add a little water to thin the hummus, depending on desired consistency.
Variations: like the hummus but want to change the flavor slightly? try adding one of the following: 2 tablespoons chopped pimento, ¼ cup chopped Kalamata olives or 2 tablespoons mixed, chopped fresh herbs such as tarragon, thyme and parsley.
Quick Red Bean Chili
Related simple ways To incorporate protein into Every Meal
This hearty main dish takes fewer than 30 minutes, and for most of that time, it cooks unattended. It works well served over brown rice or stuffed in a whole wheat tortilla topped with shredded sharp cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese and some chopped scallions (green onions). You could also try a dollop of plain Greek yogurt, which is as tangy and thick as sour cream.
Serves 4-6
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 small onion, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons brown sugar
28-ounce can fire-roasted tomatoes (available at supermarkets)
1 tablespoon tomato paste
½ cup water or vegetable broth
1 bay leaf
2 15-ounce cans red beans, rinsed and drained
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro (coriander)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1. En una cacerola mediana a fuego moderado, agregue aceite. Cuando esté caliente, cocine la cebolla 1 minuto hasta que se ablanden.
2. Agregue ajo, chile, comino y azúcar y revuelva para cubrir. Cocine 30 segundos más.
3. Agregue los tomates, pasta de tomate, agua o caldo, hoja de laurel y cocine a fuego lento 10 minutos. Agregue frijoles y continúe cocinando 10 minutos más.
4. Retire la hoja de laurel. Agregue cilantro, sazone con sal y pimienta, y sirva.
Ensalada italiana de frijoles blancos y camarones
Esta ensalada sabrosa se sirve mejor a temperatura ambiente en una cama de rúcula. Si no tiene rúcula, puede usar espinacas. También puede sustituir la pechuga de pollo cocida por camarones.
Sirve 4-6
15 onzas de cannellini frijoles, enjuagados y drenados
2 tallos de apio, picado
2 dientes de ajo, picado
¼ taza de perejil fresco picado
Cena de tablero después de la escuela relacionada: comidas y refrigerios más saludables para familias ocupadas
1 cucharadita de hojas de romero picadas picadas
¼ taza de aceite de oliva virgen extra
½ cucharadita de ralladura de limón fresco rallado (solo piel amarilla exterior)
2 cucharadas de jugo de limón fresco
1 cucharada de vinagre balsámico
Sal y pimienta negra recién molida, al gusto
1 libra de camarones a la parrilla pelada y descamación
5 onzas de rúcula orgánica, opcional
1. En un tazón mediano, combine frijoles, apio, ajo, perejil, romero, aceite de oliva, ralladura de limón, jugo de limón y vinagre balsámico y mezcle suavemente. Condimentar con sal y pimienta.
2. Agregue camarones a la parrilla, revuelva nuevamente y sirva sobre la rúcula.
Hillary Tonken es una chef profesional con más de 30 años de experiencia y ha hecho todo en el negocio de alimentos, desde el autor del libro de cocina hasta el estilista de alimentos fotográficos e instructor de escuelas culinarias. Ella es una contribuyente frecuente para usted completamente.
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